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What is Collagen and Elastin and how do I get more of it?

What is Collagen and Elastin and how do I get more of it?

If when you hear the word Collagen; bouncy, plump, smooth and firm looking skin comes to mind, you’d be absolutely correct. Collagen is the building block for any routine regardless of skin concern or skin type. It's the main ingredient that provides our skin with the barrier-boosting, skin-enhancing and radiance-inducing benefits that we fundamentally need.


Need to know:

Your skin comprises of three layers: 

  • Epidermis - top layer
  • Dermis - middle layer - home to collagen and elastin
  • Hypodermis - bottom layer

Collagen supplies diminish as our skin starts to age and slow down production. The more we lose, the more wrinkles and fine lines appear – skin looks less supple, less squishy and is less likely to bounce back on its own.

Collagen loss can be due to environmental and lifestyle factors such as smoking, environmental pollution and UV radiation - making our skin appear lacklustre, dull, older, sagging with premature fine lines and enlarged pores.


Need to know:

Like collagen, elastin is also found in the dermis and is responsible for the structure of our skin’s cells and the overall stretch and plumpness of the face. Elastin also depreciates as we age, which is significantly propelled by factors such as sun exposure, stress, genetics or age-related concerns. 


How do I get more collagen & elastin in my skin?

The most effective way of boosting your collagen and elastin levels is by introducing Microneedling and LED Light Therapy into your routine. 

LED Light Therapy

The OLIVIEREWILSON LED GLOW Mask comprises medical grade and clinically proven wavelengths of dual Red Light, which is absorbed 8-10mm into the skin. Consistent daily 10 min treatments introduced into your skincare routine will support and fortify the complexion. 

  • Red Light (633nm)  

Stimulates collagen and elastin within the dermis, increases blood flow and oxygenation to the skin, all while delivering nutrients and antioxidants to repair. Increases regeneration so that skin looks and feels plumper, brighter, with improved density in the dermis to support the ageing process.

  • Near-Infrared Light (830nm) 

Penetrates deep into the skin. Increases the production of collagen and elastin to maintain the skin’s structure for a more youthful appearance. 

Near-Infrared also reduces inflammation by increasing blood flow and tissue oxygenation, supports cellular health and repairs damage. In terms of skin tone, it regulates the production of melanin and increases antioxidants and nutrients within the skin. It also balances hormones such as cortisol (the stress hormone), serotonin (the feel-good hormone) and melatonin (our sleep hormone).



You’ll likely have heard of microneedling, the minimally invasive treatment hailed by dermatologists. The procedure gets down into the epidermis via microscopic channels, boosting collagen to create smoother, firmer and more even-toned skin.

Used to treat everything from fine lines to acne scarring and enlarged pores, this treatment requires no downtime. The end goal is to rejuvenate the skin through increased levels of collagen, hydration and tissue tightening. As our skin’s natural healing process responds to these micro-wounds, the collagen produced results in a plumped and renewed appearance.




  • An advanced home treatment for wrinkles, fine lines and ageing skin
  • Boosts collagen and elastin levels
  • Boosts skin elasticity
  • Smooths and plumps the complexion


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